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In this ultimate guide to do Keto Diet For Women Over 50.
We will debunk every myth you have regarding keto diet for over 50 year old woman.
Losing weight can be tough at any age,
But it can be increasingly difficult for women in their 50s.
Muscle loss and the hormonal changes associated with menopause prime your body for fat gain and not fat loss.
This doesn’t mean women in their 50s can’t lose weight; it’s just that they have to work a little harder at it than when they were younger.
Yes,One of the best diets for weight loss for 50+ menopausal women is the low carb ketogenic diet, keto for short.

benefits of keto for women over 50
Keto is mostly thought of as a weight loss diet. However, low-carb keto diets offer additional several significant benefits to women in their 50s. Those benefits include:
1. Reduced body fat
A lot of diets promise weight loss, but in many cases, that weight is mostly water. Keto increases fat burning and produces better results than most other diets. Keto also preferentially targets abdominal fat, correctly called visceral fat
Abdominal fat tends to increase in women over 50. This raises the risk of heart disease, cardiac arrest, and stroke. Accumulation of abdominal fat is largely due to the hormonal changes associated with menopause.
2. Increased insulin sensitivity
Carbs are digested and turned into glucose. When you eat carbs, your body produces the hormone insulin to ferry the glucose into your liver and muscles. However, with age, your body's sensitivity to insulin decreases, and that means the glucose is more likely to be converted into and stored as fat, leading to weight gain.
Low carb diets increase insulin sensitivity. This means that the few carbs you do eat won’t be turned into fat. Increased insulin sensitivity also helps regulate your blood glucose levels. Low levels of blood glucose are inextricably linked to improved general health, as well as a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
3. Enhanced brain function
Menopausal women often experience things like memory loss, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. They may even suffer from depression and anxiety. This is because levels of estrogen, the primary female sex hormone, decline during menopause, and that affects the amount of glucose reaching your brain.
The keto diet gives your brain an alternative source of fuel; ketones. Your brain functions better on ketones, and things like mood swings and memory loss are much less common on a low-carb diet.
The keto diet is also linked to a reduced risk for several neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, both of which are more common in people who are aged 50+.
4. Reduced inflammation
The aging process can be hard on your body. Menopausal women in their 50s suffer from knee and hip pain, as well as headaches and other types of non-specific pain.
Keto is a high-fat diet, and some fats are very useful for calming inflammation. Good anti-inflammatory fats that should be part of the keto diet include:
- Olive oil
- Oily fish, such as sardines, tuna, and salmon
- Avocados and avocado oil
- Walnuts
In contrast, foods like refined carbs, sugar, and processed foods are all linked to increased inflammation. These foods are not part of the keto diet.
5. Improved blood lipid profile
many women in their 50s experience increased levels of triglycerides and "bad" LDL cholesterol.
This is a recipe for heart disease.
Despite being high in fat, low carb diets have been shown to lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while increasing levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
These changes are linked to improved cardiovascular health and a lower risk of heart disease
6. Reduced blood pressure
Women tend to have lower blood pressure than men. However, that can change when you enter your 50s, and menopause starts to take hold.
High blood pressure is linked to a host of serious medical problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke. The low-carb keto diet has been shown to help lower blood pressure levels.
7. Increased bone mass
Older women are prone to bone loss, which, if left unchecked, can become osteoporosis. This is a medical condition characterized by weak bones that are prone to fracture.
Keto eliminates the nutrients that can interfere with calcium absorption. Combined with lots of leafy green vegetables that are naturally high in calcium, keto can help improve both bone health and density.
8. Less muscle loss
Women in their 50s tend to lose muscle faster than those in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Muscle loss lowers your metabolic rate, leading to weight gain and making it harder to lose weight.
Losing muscle will also affect your strength, making everyday activities harder and more tiring.
The ketogenic diet involves eating moderate amounts of protein, and protein is vital for muscle perseveration. Protein contains amino acids, and amino acids are the building blocks of muscle tissue.
It’s clear to see that keto can be very beneficial for women in their 50s – both for weight loss and for improving health.
Going keto means cutting out many of the foods that we know are unhealthy and replacing them with foods that are high in beneficial nutrients.
In short, keto is not just a diet for overweight people; it’s a diet for anyone who wants to live a longer, healthier life!
How to start keto for women over 50
While keto is a straightforward diet, it’s not always easy to make the transition from a high carb diet to eating 50 grams of carbs or less per day.
Make your transition into low carb keto dieting easier by following these guidelines.
1. Have a planned start date
Keto is so different to other diets that you can't just jump in without doing your homework.
Pick a start date and give yourself time to read up on the ins and outs of low-carb dieting.
Learn more about what you can and can’t eat. Spend this time gathering any low-carb resources that might be useful, such as meal plans and recipes.
Also, tell your friends and family you are “going keto” and that your diet is about to change.
Ask them to be supportive and understand that you won’t be eating bread, rice, pasta, etc., for the foreseeable future.
2. Clear your cupboards of unwanted carbs
Shortly before you start your keto diet, clean out your kitchen cupboards and refrigerator of any non-keto foods.
You might think you can resist temptation and won’t eat them, but the truth is you are more likely to break your diet if you have easy access to high carb foods.
Don't make the mistake of eating all these foods, though. The more carbs you eat in the lead up to going keto, the harder and slower your transition into ketosis will be.
3. Use a food tracking app
Successful keto dieting means limiting your carb intake to 50 grams or less per day.
The easiest, if not the only way to do this successfully is to use a food tracking app.
Good options include
Armed with your easy to use macro tracker, you can fine-tune your meals so that you hit the correct intake of carbs, protein, and fat.
4. Understand that the first two weeks are the hardest
Going keto is not always easy – especially for the first two weeks.
It takes time for your body to use up all of its onboard carb stores and make the switch to using ketones for energy instead.
Some people experience unpleasant side effects during this time, which are usually called keto flu.
While the keto flu isn’t serious, and it’s definitely not catching, you may feel unwell until your body fully enters ketosis.
Common keto flu symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Constipation
- Insomnia
- Fruity-smelling breath
- Increased urination
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
- Cravings
The good news is that these symptoms show your body is starting to transition from using carbs for energy to using ketones. You are well on your way to becoming a fat-burning machine. Your symptoms will soon disappear, and within 1-2 weeks, they will pass completely. Also, once they have passed, and unless you cheat on your diet, you’ll only ever experience keto flu once.
5. Don’t cheat!
A lot of diets allow you to have days off and even cheat by eating unhealthy foods from time to time. The keto diet is not one of those diets! If you cheat on keto by eating carbs, you will kick yourself out of ketosis and will have to go through another bout of keto flu to get back on track.
Long story short, don’t be tempted to cheat on keto – it’s just not worth it. Instead, reward your good dietary habits with other types of treat. Good options include going to the movies, buying a new workout outfit, or treating yourself to a massage or beauty treatment. High carb food treats are not part of the ketogenic diet.
6. Consider using some well-chosen supplements
While you don’t have to use supplements on the keto diet, they can make things easier for women over 50. Good options include:
1. Exogenous ketones
Exogenous ketones are ketones from an external source. Taking exogenous ketone supplements will speed up fat burning, give you energy, keep your mind clear, and can help alleviate many of the symptoms of keto flu. Exogenous ketones are available in capsules and as drink mixes.
2. Medium-chain triglycerides
MCTs for short, these special fats are quickly and easily converted into ketones. More ketones mean better fat burning and weight loss, more energy, and fewer keto flu symptoms.
MCT supplements are made from palm or coconut oil. However, coconut oil is the best and is also the most environmentally-friendly choice. MCTs are available as oils or in easy-to-mix powder form.
3. Electrolytes
Electrolytes are minerals that are excreted in your urine and also lost when you sweat.
The keto diet increases urine output, and that can mean your body starts to run low on these critical substances. Signs of low electrolyte levels include headaches and muscle cramps.
Electrolyte supplements replace lost minerals and can help prevent several of the symptoms of keto flu.
7. Treat keto as a lifestyle, and not just a diet
When most people think about a new diet, they only plan on following it for a few weeks. They figure they’ll suffer through it until they have lost some weight, and then go back to their previous way of eating. Invariably, this leads to weight loss followed by weight regain – what experts call yoyo dieting.
With keto, you’ll get much better results if you treat low-carb dieting as a lifestyle choice and not a short-term fix. That way, you’ll not only lose weight, but you’ll keep it off for good too.
In addition, most of the benefits outlined earlier in this article only apply while you are low-carb dieting. If you break your diet, you can wave goodbye to things like lower blood pressure, better cardiovascular health, reduced inflammation, and improved bone health.
Keto is good for weight loss in your 50s, but it can be so much more than that too. It can have a profound and significant effect on every aspect of your health.
Don’t throw away those benefits by hitting and quitting keto after a few weeks or months. Instead, make a long-term commitment to low-carb dieting. You’ll love the results if you do.
To help you achieve your goals, here is a list of our top 9 books..
Is Keto The Right Diet For Women Over 50? : FAQs
Do you still have questions about the keto diet for women over 50? No problem because we’ve got answers! Here are our responses to the ten most common keto questions.
1. How much weight can I lose on keto?
Most keto dieters lose 10 or more pounds in the first two weeks. A lot of this weight is water as your body releases and excretes water as it depletes carbs. However, subsequent weight loss will be fat, and you should be able to continue losing around two pounds per week for as long as you stick to your diet.
2. What foods can I eat and what should I avoid on keto?
Keto is a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. This means that foods like avocados, butter, oils, nuts, meat, fish, eggs, and some dairy are in, and sources of carbs such as bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, cookies, most fruit, and cereals are out.
You can also eat plenty of low-carb fibrous vegetables and some low-sugar berries.
3. Isn’t eating a lot of fat unhealthy?
It all depends on the type of fat you eat! Processed hydrogenated and trans fats are definitely bad for you and should be avoided.
However, natural fats, such as olive oil, butter, avocado oil, peanut oil, and other types of fat are actually very good for you.
Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are especially beneficial and are linked to improved cardiovascular health.
4. How do I know I’m in ketosis?
There are several ways to check you are in ketosis. The most common way is to use keto sticks, which are indicator strips that detect the number of ketones in your urine.
This is the least accurate ketone measuring method.
You can also use a ketone breath analyzer. While non-invasive, this method only detects acetone, which is not the most critical ketone for weight loss.
The best way to determine if you are in ketosis is with a blood ketone monitor.
This provides medically accurate, real-time results and is considered the gold standard of ketone assessment.
5. Can I do keto if I’m a vegetarian or vegan?
Yes, you can! While you won’t be able to eat any animal products such as butter or meat, you can still reach and maintain ketosis.
There are lots of vegetation and vegan fat and protein sources available, but you will need to look out for hidden carbs. For example, beans are a good source of protein but also contain carbs.
Instead, you’ll need to seek out low-carb sources of protein that are also vegetarian and vegan-friendly, such as:
- Almonds
- Chia seeds
- Hemp seeds and hemp seed protein powder
- Lupini beans
- Nutritional yeast
- Peanuts
- Peas and pea protein powder
- Pepitas
- Soybeans and unsweetened soymilk
- Spirulina
- Tempeh
- Tofu
6. How can I get into ketosis faster?
The sooner you get into deep ketosis, the faster your keto flu symptoms will vanish, and the sooner you’ll start losing weight. The following strategies can help you get into ketosis faster:
- Reduce your carb intake to 20-30 grams per day
- Exercise or increase physical activity levels
- Try intermittent fasting
- Exercise in a fasted state
- Take exogenous ketones
- Increase your fat intake, especially MCTs
7. Is ketosis healthy?
Ketosis is an entirely natural state.
Your body enters ketosis if you have to go for a prolonged time without food, such as if you were stranded on a deserted island with nothing to eat.
Being in ketosis could help keep you alive. Does that sound like something unhealthy?
People often confuse "good" ketosis with "bad" ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis happens in uncontrolled diabetes and is not the same as ketosis.
In ketoacidosis, the blood becomes more acidic, which as every bit as dangerous as it sounds. Despite sounding similar, ketosis and ketoacidosis are very different and should not be confused
8. How long can I stay in ketosis?
There is no need to put a time limit on ketosis; it's safe to remain in ketosis for as long as you like.
Some world populations are almost always in ketosis, such as the Inuit and the Masai Mara, both of whom survive by eating high fat, moderate protein, and low carb foods.
9. Can I eat out on keto?
Eating out on keto can be tricky as, despite their popularity, low carb diets are still not viewed as mainstream. However, with a little planning, you should still be able to eat out and stay true to your ketogenic diet.
Tips for eating out on keto include:
- Turn away the complimentary bread basket and breadsticks
- Ask for more vegetables or salad instead of rice, pasta, noodles, or potatoes
- Fish and steak are always good choices Skip dessert and have a coffee instead
- If possible, order your meal in advance after perusing the online menu
- Tell your server about your diet and ask for low carb recommendations
10. Can I drink alcohol on keto?
Alcohol can be consumed in moderation on keto, but some beverages are better than others. Alcoholic beverages that are generally okay on keto include:
- Light and low-carb beers
- Dry wines
- Gin
- Vodka
- Whiskey (bourbon and scotch)
- Tequila
- Rum
- Brandy
However, remember that consuming several drinks at a time can result in consuming more carbs than you are allowed in keto.
Also, drinking alcohol can lower your inhibitions and willpower, making it harder to stick to your diet. Consuming alcohol also inhibits fat burning. That said, the occasional alcoholic drink shouldn't harm your progress too much.
I have seen people getting good results by keto diet after age 50 to 60.
Keto Success Stories over 50
Trying keto for the first time can be daunting – some people even find the idea of cutting carbs scary.
The good news is that the keto diet has been around so long that there are lots of success stories that will motivate you and relieve your fears.
These women lost weight and got healthy with keto, and you can do it too!
1. Karen – Age 51
In the past, Karren struggled to lose weight and keep it off. She was one of life’s habitual yoyo dieters. With keto, Karren lost 70 pound and has kept that weight off for five years while dealing with the symptoms of menopause.
2. Maria – Age 70
Where many 70-year old people have given up trying to lose weight, Maria decided she’d had enough of being overweight, unhappy, and unhealthy, and started keto. In just one year she lost 76 pounds and, in her own words, has never felt better.
3. Mary – Age 53
After an annual check-up, Mary was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, which is just a short step away from full-blown type 2 diabetes. Shocked into action, she adopted the low-carb keto diet, reversed her symptoms, and lost over 50 pounds.
If you want to lose weight and keep it off, even in your 50s, the keto diet is one of the best ways to do it. It’s ideal for women in their 50s because it addresses many of the issues that accompany menopause.
The low carb keto diet is not just a weight loss diet, it's a health-boosting diet, and while the first 1-2 weeks can be tough, after that, it's a breeze.
There is no starvation, no cravings, and you'll have more energy than ever before.
That's why keto is one of the most popular diets around. And remember, it was invented over a century ago, and that means it really does work!